Slow Streets

Connecting communities and enabling sustainable transportation

What are Slow Streets?


Slow Streets are low-traffic, shared streets intended to eliminate cut-through traffic and make people feel safe walking, biking, scooting, and using mobility devices in the street, particularly children, seniors, people with disabilities, and people less comfortable biking.

Slow Streets increase safety and help our city make progress towards its "Vision Zero" (roadway safety) goal and Climate Action Plan as well as live up to our Transit-First Policy, while decreasing noise and air pollution on these residential streets.

Due in part to reduced cut-through car traffic, Slow Streets also connect neighbors and allow them to build community through activations and events on Slow Streets.

In December 2022, the SFMTA Board of Directors made the Slow Streets Program permanent, set target car-volume and -speed metrics for Slow Streets, and called for a “fully connected network of Slow Streets without breaks.”

Slow Streets have made San Francisco more equitable, livable, and sustainable and can move our city forward towards a brighter future if our elected officials and policymakers do everything in their power to make Slow Streets safe and successful.


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Slow Streets programs and plans

Learn more about the various Slow Streets programs and plans


Slow Streets groups and organizations in San Francisco

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